♦ piano ^.^

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 19 =)

zz.. just n0w mati karan..

tomoro xiin wan g0 KL liao lea ..

g0 KL 开心一点 yaa xiin ..~

g0t "S0ME PPL" copy ppl .. thn c0me scold us lagi waa ~ wan to + "HER" liao.. ==''

so i say .. I HATE COPY D0Gs !

p/s : SHE is very PER !


yesterday xiin c0me my house agn !

we went to the supermarket 3 times.. xD

we saw dead rat on the road .. +

ewww ! its mouth open big big lagi tuh !

thn we got do many things lagi .. xD

after she g0 home ..

i was very boring agn ..

i will be crazy de lorr .. boring holiday ..


en0ugh for today laa..